Ошибка при отправке писем на gmail.com:
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients.
This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com []: 550-5.7.1 [ 12]
Our system has detected that this message is 550-5.7.1 likely unsolicited mail.
To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, 550-5.7.1 this message has been
blocked. Please visit 550-5.7.1
http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=188131 for
550 5.7.1 more information. ju7si4400160wid.58 - gsmtp
------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
Для вывода из черного списка IP сервера, требуется заполнить форму https://support.google.com/mail/contact/bulk_send?rd=1
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- В последнем поле вставляем код письма которое вернулось с ошибкой от gmail.com.